Robert Burns Speaks
to America:
Affirming the Scottish humanitarian values that helped make America great
Explore, and you will find here songs and music to entertain, uplift, and inform. Enjoy!
~ Read below about Robert Burns and Scottish values
~ Select an artist below to get started … from there you can select another, and another … While listening to the songs and music, read the artists’ comments about their work – and read (or print out) the lyrics to the songs. You can resize and enlarge those windows if you wish. Most artist names are links to their websites so you can learn more about them.
Robert Burns (25 January 1759 -
An English officer once challenged him to a duel (fortunately it never took place!) because, after a toast to the health of the British prime minister, Burns raised a toast “to the health of a much better man – George Washington!”
Burns’s tribute to Washington’s birthday includes these lines about his own king:
See gathering thousands, while I sing,
A broken chain exulting bring,
And dash it in a tyrant's face,
And dare him to his very beard,
And tell him he no more is feared.
Burns collected traditional tunes and wrote lyrics to them; he said he could not write the words until he had a melody in mind for them. There are 323 songs by Burns, about 60% of his work. He was, like Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan, a songwriter first and foremost!
Robert Burns was the favorite poet of Abraham Lincoln, who gave an address about Burns on the centennial of his birthday, 25 January 1859, and later wrote, "I can say nothing worthy of his generous heart and transcending genius."
He risked his freedom and social standing to express his views. As you listen to Alan Reid sing the unofficial anthem of Scotland, Burns’s “Scots Wha Hae”, read Alan’s description of how Burns came to write the song to obliquely criticize events of his day without being charged and tried for sedition, like Thomas Paine was for writing The Rights of Man and selling a million and a half copies!
Burns both shaped and expressed the humanitarian impulses of the Scottish people, and that’s why he is considered their national bard. Many Scots of his generation came to the American colonies, including teachers of Thomas Jefferson and many others who built a country.
In 1999, the Scots re-
While you hear Alasdair Fraser play it on fiddle, read his comments about myths and human rights.
President John F. Kennedy, 1963:
“When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations.
When power narrows the areas of man's concern, poetry reminds him of
the richness and diversity of his existence.
When power corrupts, poetry cleanses,
for art establishes the basic human truths which must serve
as the touchstones of our judgment.”
Happy 266th birthday to Robert Burns!
25 January 2025